Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Negative Health Effects of Red Meat
Negative Health Effects of Red Meat It has been known for a while that the saturated animal fat in red meat contributes to heart disease and atherosclerosis. Recent research also shows red meat is thought to increase the risks of rheumatoid arthritis and endometriosis. There is good evidence that eating red meat may be a probable cause of colorectal cancer. Processed red meat, like cured and smoked meat, has recently been declared carcinogenic, with strong scientific evidence linking it to cancer. Red Meat: The Good and Bad Meanwhile, according to the American Dietetic Association, vegetarian diets can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease, colon cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, kidney disease, hypertension, obesity, and other debilitating medical conditions. While red meat is a key source of protein and vitamin B12 in North American diets, nutritionists explain that properly planned meat-free diets easily provide these important nutrients. In fact, most people probably do not need to eat as much protein as they think they do. Daily protein requirements are relatively modest, and much of it can be found in legumes, nuts, and other foods. Reducing your intake of red meat is also justifiable for environmental reasons. Raising cattle requires a lot of resources, including water, and cows produce a significant amount of greenhouse gases. For some, an alternative could be the consumption of game meat like venison. It is very lean, low in saturated fat, and does not have the negative land use and water consumption issues associated with cattle. Venison can be kept healthiest by using lead-free ammunition. For more information see the World Health Organization October 2015 Press Release. Edited by Frederic Beaudry.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Make Yourself buy Incubus essays
Make Yourself buy Incubus essays Incubus has been around for some time but their newest album has caught my attention and the attention of the music world. The album entitled Make Yourself features a great selection of music with every song on the record being good. Today there are cds that contain the 2 or 3 good songs played on the radio and thats it, with Incubus the songs on the cd are even better than the ones that are known. They are creative and use their own type of style and their own music. Incubus's third record, Make Yourself, is more then just your average album. The album consists of thirteen songs, each being different. This is one aspect that I believe is a major attraction in buying an album, along with each song being a good song. The album starts out with a great opening track "Privilege". This song really sets the whole tone for the rest of the music to come. It's a catchy tune with a great feel to it. As the Cd progresses on, songs like "Nowhere Fast" and "Make Yourself" show the bands rock side with hard riffs and a driving force that just pulls you through the songs. On the other side there are songs like "Consequence", The Warmth, and Drive which, give you a different feel. They are softer but are still rock/ metal; Unforgiven by Metallica is an example of this. Stellar and Pardon Me, the two songs played on the radio, fit right into the cd making it enjoyable. Both songs have a great beat and flow of music. They are catchy giving them a certain remembrance to them. At the same time they are totally different songs, each with different chords and rhythms, just like every other song on the album. Of course there is that general guitar and drum combination, but the way they use them to make new songs is what makes the album so original. Incubus is original, which I believe is an excelle ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Learning profile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Learning profile - Essay Example In the cardiac placement, I came across situations wherein patients would start complaining of chest pain and immediately nitroglycerine spray would be given three times after five minutes interval; later patient would be sent for angiography as patient would still be complaining of chest pain. All the above circumstances helped me increase my critical thinking skills. The role of nurses in all these encounters was very important and all of the situations were handled by the nurses very well. My previous clinical experience has helped me to use the critical thinking skills to provide patient care and will help me in this perceptorship. 2. Strengths in Clinical Practice (reflect on previous clinical rotations). I know my medications before administration e.g. effectiveness, side effects, signs of adverse drug reactions and/or drug interactions. I understand the importance of administrating medication on time and signing them on MAR after administration. I review documentation, prior d ocumentation and provide adequate time to document appropriately. My fluency in different languages (English, Punjabi, Urdu and Hindi) is an added asset for provision of care. E.g.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
LAW AND ADMINISTRATION Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
LAW AND ADMINISTRATION - Assignment Example British-trained commercial staff forms the core of the commercial departments of international clients, contractors and consultants. British standards, codes and products are recognized and respected internationally. An area of particular UK strength that has generated interest from both overseas clients and UK practitioners is the urban regeneration of communities and the infrastructure and economies upon which they depend. No other nation has the depth of experience or the holistic range of skills in delivering large-scale programs of integrated regeneration. The industry, however, needs to wake up to present ground realities. There is criticism that value for money is not being secured in the procurement function due to insufficient focus on modern approaches to procurement function. There is a large workforce for routine functions such as building repairs, maintenance and facilities management. Headed by the City Engineer and Surveyor, the Technical Services Department covers a wide range of construction procurement activities. It has responsibility for the construction, maintenance, facilities management, repair and alteration of a range of buildings. The department has a large in-house workforce for routine functions such as building repairs, maintenance and facilities management. All major construction projects are designed in-house by council architects, engineers and surveyors before being put out to tender. It is council policy that all contracts must be awarded through competitive tendering using admeasurement contracts following completion of the design. The reason for this state of affairs is competition. The construction industry is price based due to which high-cost contractors have to lower prices in order to get work. If all competitors were high-priced, there will be decrease in performance. On the other hand, lowest bid competition leads to compromise in design quality, health and safety, and environment. The Philosophy behind Recent Developments in Construction Procurement in the United Kingdom Construction is a long-term project that requires planning and designing so that the end result matches the overall environmental objectives. It takes various parameters in view so that at every stage of the construction the internal and external factors continue to impact the environment positively. At the macro level there are men, material and money. There are men who do the promotion, planning, designing and execution. Then there are materials to be
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Prewar Marxism in Japan Essay Example for Free
Prewar Marxism in Japan Essay Marxism was coined after its proponent, Karl Marx who believed that the abuses of capitalism would eventually lead to uprisings of the masses particularly of the working class. According to him, the aggrieved plight of the working class will become the key in unleashing the inevitable clashes between the classes. In his argument, Capitalism will be replaced by Communism, in which in his view, this set-up of free economy opens a gate to many inequalities in the society, making the weak and poor more vulnerable to the flaws of the system. As Uno Kozo observed in his work, The Essence of Capital, â€Å"The commodification of the labor force remains the crux of Capitalism†(SJT, pp.243). To Marx belief, Communism is the common ownership of the means of production. There would be public ownership of farms, factories, raw materials, and the like. To him, all means of production will be owned by the workers and all workers would eventually become workers.     In Japan, Marxism was first introduced in the late 1890’s but it was in the 1920’s that it started to catch attention and support from the people especially from the intellectuals (SJT, pp 239; Beckmann, pp. 139). The early Marxists belonged to two different groups, the reformers and the revolutionary. The reformers followed Tolstoian humanitarianism, advocated universal suffrage, and pursued reforms through parliamentary action. While the revolutionaries believed in the Materialist ideas from the German and French Marxist. They adhered to the idea of class struggle and direct revolutionary action by class-conscious workers. The revolutionaries were also attracted to the tactics of the anarcho-syndicalism (Beckmann pp. 140).            The various differences of principles of the Early Marxists in Japan had initially signaled that a strong unified group would be quite a challenge to create a remarkable impact. In fact, at its onset Marxism was already noted with three general flaws such as its systematic character that degenerates into dogmatism; putative universality that recalls its foreign origin; and its critical modus operandi that provokes infighting and organizational fragmentation (SJT, pp241 ). But all these are generalized observations sums up probable enlightenment on why it seemed to appear that prewar Marxism was never a political success. However, it is pertinent to note that these observations envelopes one or more historical accounts and empirical evidences of the progresses and demise of prewar Marxism in Japan.            The idea of Marxism had its strong appeal in the university circle composed mainly of the professors and students. In fact, one of its early and notable supporters was Kawakami Hajime of the Kyoto Imperial University. He wrote may treatises on Marxism and provided valuable assistance to other advocates in the persons of Sakai Toshihiko, Arahata Kanson among others (Beckmann pp. 145). At that time, the battleground was published material like newspaper wherein people can be informed and get influenced at the same time. At some point, it created impact and stirred the discontentment of the people resulting to the clamor for reforms in Japanese society. This clamor was highlighted more by the onset of the Japan Modernization process in which new demands for the fundamental changes in the society is created (Beckamm pp146). To quote Beckamm, â€Å"Marxism was attractive to them because it provided the fullest explanation of the idea of progress that they had yet encountered. They were easily seduced by the Marxist proposition that through the dialectic progress was inevitable. Dialectical materialism gave them (supporters) a scientific methodology for analyzing Japanese society, as well as general principles of strategy for effecting change†.            But no matter how ardent the campaign was and how dynamic the intellectual debates were, history underscores that prewar Marxism fell short in achieving its much desired political change. The variables affecting this result are attributed to both external and internal difficulties encountered by the group. It is believed that too much emphasis on theoretical conceptualization has left the advocates confused on what is real and what is not. And what is real during that time, is the dominance of the conservative elite who managed to uphold Japanese value system. All important institutions of Japanese society inculcated obedience, loyalty, and status over freedom, individual rights, and equality. All these summed up to hostilities of the society to individuals who think otherwise. Thus, it resulted to numerable defection from Communism and Socialism parties. It may also be relevant to note that conservative value system of Japanese society and the so called patterns of behavior during the modernization period contributed to the prevention of basic antagonism from being open clashes. Many intellectuals may be vocal in their convictions but a greater number of them seemed anxious to join the mass â€Å"hurly burly maybe because of the behavioral patterns pervading in the society and of the enveloping obligation not to disgrace the family through deviation from the generally accepted behavior. Another pitfall of the prewar Marxism is the very nature that the ideology was alien and much worse, dependent on the support of a foreign state which is labeled as enemy and competitor of their own country. It could not simply break the much preferred paradigm of Japanese Nationalism and Confucianism. Furthermore, the movement cannot fight equally with the raw power of the state especially of its police and military predisposition. This is for the obvious reason that communists had no civil liberties to protect them. As a matter of fact, party organizations were dismantled through various man-arrest in 1923, 1928, 1929, and much frequently in the 1930s. These arrests made it difficult for the advocates to maintain a substantial number that could function effectively for its cause (Beckamm, pp 148-150)            Much had been said by the writings and works of the early believers but less had been done. In the labor movement itself, the support and participation was only a small percent of the whole sector. Many who joined the cause were in the small and medium enterprises and almost none from the large industries. A few participation reflected that many have gone disillusioned or remained uninspired by the movement due to many failures of negotiations and strikes. The same also goes for the peasants, the Japanese agricultural communities and families were unreceptive and to some measure were hostile to Communism and Socialism. This maybe because the peasant movement lacks single central leadership that could have had become an effective channel of influence (Beckamm, pp150).            The Commintern Policy also posted a challenge to the thriving ideology of Marxism. It added certain degree of divisiveness among the people in the movement. Also, it provided a very good issue that kept the proponents busy in arguing as to which would be the good and effective direction to heed towards the desired impact on Japanese society. Is it the bourgeois-democratic or the proletarian revolution? Again, it brood disunity, conflict, and frustration among themselves.            The defection of Etsuzo, Sano, and Nabeyama also influenced fellow believers to defect and to condemn all together the principles and actions of the group they once pledge allegiance and commitment (Beckmann, pp160; 166).            In totality, prewar Marxism in Japan made numerous progresses and successes in bringing out brilliance among Japanese intellectuals. However, it was never translated into a political action that would have given life to the very essence of the teachings of Karl Marx. Though numerous reasons tried to explain this result, but maybe the only reason true enough to describe its failure is the one said by George Beckmann, â€Å"†¦the very nature of Japanese society made it extremely difficult, if not impossible, for a Communist movement to exist, let alone operate with any degree of effectiveness†¦to Marxist-Leninist terms, the objective conditions were not at all favorable. (Beckmann pp. 152)â€
Friday, November 15, 2019
A Study of a Dionysiac Sarcophagus :: Art
A Study of a Dionysiac Sarcophagus In the Los Angeles County Art Museum A man dies. He winds his way down into the underworld to reach the banks of the river Acheron where he meets the ferryman Charon. He takes a coin from his mouth to pay the toll across. On the opposite bank he is greeted by a Maenad or perhaps Bacchus himself who offers him a kylix of wine. Drinking deep, the man is transformed and resurrected from death to a higher plane. Instead of living a miserable dream in the underworld he receives redemption from his god Dionysos, the Savior. In Roman imperial times there was a great resurgence of the "Mystery" cults of Greece fueled by the hope of a life after death. In funerary monuments there can be seen the tenets of the religion as well as how it views the afterlife. Within the Los Angeles County Art Museum stands such a vessel created to facilitate this journey to eternal bliss. A gift from William Randolph Hearst, the piece is a sarcophagus from the Severan period of the Roman empire near the end of the second century detailing a procession of Dionysos, the god of wine, and his followers. Such a procession could be from Dionysos's messianic journeys or from his triumphal return from spreading the wine cult. Originally in the mausoleum of a wealthy family in Rome, the sarcophagus was in later times used as a planter for a flower bed(Matz, 3). This "misuse" of the piece explains the deterioration of the marble which necessitated extensive restoration in the 17th century(4). It is tub shaped with dimensions of 2.1 meters long and 1 meter wide, standing 0.6 meters from the ground. The shape is similar to tubs used for trampling grapes which had spouts ornamented with lions' heads to vent the wine(3). Being shaped like a wine vat makes the sarcopagi a transformative force in its own right by symbolically turning the person interned within into wine ! bringing hi m closer to the god. Unlike other sarcophagi of the period the back of this piece has not been left unhewn, but instead a strigal pattern of repeating "S" shapes has been carved, suggesting that the piece may have stood in the center of the mausoleum. Unlike other more famous and elaborate Dionysiac sarcophagi, such as the Seasons sarcophagi and the Triumph of Dionysos in Baltimore which portray specific pivotal events in the mythos of Dionysos, this piece gives us instead a somewhat generic slice of Bacchic life(Matz, 5).
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Hofede in China Essay
School of Business, Saint Marys University, Halifax, Canada Shen Cheng, Business School, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, China Abstract Questionnaires were completed by 554 respondents in cities in east-central China and in eastern Canada to compare the levels of Hofstede’s five cultural dimensions in the two countries and to examine the effects of gender and age on these levels. Country differences were found with four of the five dimensions. Differences in the evels of power-distance, masculinity, and individualism were observed across classes of gender and age. Introduction Hofstede’s (1980) dimensions of culture have become the most widely used model for explaining various effects across cultures (Yoo and Donthu, 1998). Stedham and Yamamura (2004) describe culture as stable and enduring but also somewhat changeable due to external forces. Hofstede’s five dimensions include the following. a. Power Distance. The power distance dimension has to do with inequality in a society. In a high power distance environment there would be greater tolerance for, nd expectation of, inequality in prestige, wealth and power. b. Uncertainty Avoidance. Hofstede focuses on uncertainty at the organizational level looking at the use of rules and strategies to reduce exposure to an unsure future. c. Individualism and Collectivism. This dimension has to do with the relationship the individual has with the group and more generally with society. Hofstede points out that the nature of this relationship determines not only how people think about themselves and their immediate group but the â€Å"structure and functioning of many institutions aside from the family’ (p210) . Masculinity and Femininity. There seem to be two elements to this dimension. One deals with the values held and the other with role expectations. Hofstede (1980) notes that in a work setting, males value â€Å"advancement, earnings, training, up-to- dateness†while females value â€Å"friendly atmosphere, position security, physical conditions and manager cooperation†(p281). The second aspect of this dimension culture, sex roles would be differentiated while in a feminine culture sex roles would be more similar. e. Long Term Orientation (L TO). This is a recent addition to the Hofstede model, dded as a new dimension to the model in the second edition (2001). It is based on the philosophy of Confucius and has to do with â€Å"persistence, thrift, personal stability and respect for tradition†(p351). It describes a longer term, higher level view of life. China was not included in the Hofstede’s original study (1980) as the sample for that study was from the offices of IBM and, in the 1970’s, there was none in mainland China. Its scores were not reported in the second edition Hofstede (2001) either. There have, however, been some efforts to study the Chinese using Hofstede’s dimensions. Pheng and Yuquan (2002) studied the Chinese in the Wuhan area of China, comparing construction employees there to those in Singapore. Taking a workplace focus similar to that of Hofstede, they found that, compared to Singaporeans, Chinese had lower levels of power distance and individualism, and higher levels of uncertainty avoidance and masculinity, but their scores are different from those of Hofstede and therefore are of limited use in predicting how the Chinese scores will compare to those of other countries. Culture has been observed to vary within Chinese areas. Huo and Randall (1991), for xample, used the framework to examine the differences among Chinese in Taiwan, Beijing, Hong Kong and Wuhan and found sub cultural differences. Just as there are differences seen in the dimensions between countries, it could be expected that there would be differences expected between groups of individuals within countries. Differences between attitudes and behaviors of males and females are extensively studied and well documented in Western culture. Similarly, individuals have been observed to change in their attitudes and behavior as they age. Variations in Hofstede’s cultural dimensions across age and gender have been tudied by some researchers. Stedham and Yamamura (2004), for example, examined the cultural differences between Americans and Japanese with a focus on sex and age differences. They found no differences due to age and differences between males and females on the power distance dimension in Japan (m>f), individualism (m>f) in both countries. In the current paper, differences in the levels of the four dimensions of Hofstede’s model are examined between Canada and central China. As well, differences in the levels of the five dimensions across age groups and sex category as well as nteraction among these three variables are studied. Hypotheses Main Effects was settled by Chinese several centuries ago and was the target of an influx of several million more Chinese around 1950. It seems likely that the culture of Taiwan would be similar to that of mainland China. As none of Hofstede’s scores were available for China, perhaps those of Taiwan would be useful for the purpose of hypothesis formulation. A large difference on the individualism score is apparent where Taiwan was one of the lowest of all the countries studied while Canada tended to be toward the top of the individualism scale.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Character Studies in the Ruby in the Smoke
In the novel Ruby in the Smoke, Phillip Pullman has created sleazy, nasty villains and wholesome, trustworthy, kind-hearted heroes and heroines. This character study looks at the behaviour of these important heroes and heroines in vital events in the novel. It also includes details about their appearance, personality and lifestyles. 1. Sally Lockhart Set in 1872, the Ruby in the Smoke involves sixteen year old Sally Lockhart. Sally is uncommonly pretty at the time; the quotation at the start of Chapter 1 shows us this: ‘She was slender and pale, and dressed in mourning, with a black bonnet under which she tucked in a straying twist of blonde hair that the wind had teased loose. She had unusually dark brown eyes for one so fair.' Sally Lockhart is a serious middle-class orphan whose late ‘father' taught her a variety of useful things; accounting, Hindustani, marksmanship, finance and shooting: ‘As a result, her knowledge of English literature, French, History, Art and Music was non-existent.' Sally's lack of insight in these quarters caused trouble with her guardian Mrs Rees and so her stay there ended. Sally Lockhart shows sensitivity throughout the novel: ‘What are you scowling for?' he said at one point †¦ ‘I wasn't scowling,' she said, sounding petulant and childish' Sally's sensitiveness also links in with her willingness to let Frederick Garland take charge, this quotation helps us visualise this: ‘She was in danger †¦, and was glad of his company.' This shows her lack of decisiveness and most of the novel portrays Sally in this fashion. Sally often seems to feel vulnerable in the novel; this quotation shows us this: ‘Sally nearly quailed †¦ and took a step backwards in fright' In the balance of the last three quotations Sally Lockhart can be seen as a weak, powerless and indecisive heroine but Sally's part in the novel has much more to it. Sally proves to be resourceful to the Garlands: ‘Wouldn't it be possible to tell a story in pictures?' Sally's thoughts bring in plenty of money and solidify her role as a strong business woman. During these parts or chapters in the novel, Sally gains significant authority, determination and control. Sally Lockhart shows fearlessness and determination at the end of the novel to defeat her enemy Mrs Holland: ‘The old woman plunged. She fell without a cry †¦ Mrs Holland was dead.' This victory symbolises her courage and quick-witted thinking she showed to react to Mrs Holland's actions and words. To summarise, Sally Lockhart is young, sensitive, and, at times, willing to let Frederick Garland take charge, however she is also a resourceful, fearless, determined, and an independent heroine. 2. Frederick Garland Another one of the important characters is Frederick Garland, a photographer with imagination. The quotation tells us about Frederick's appearance: ‘He looked an amiable young man.' Frederick is caught up in Sally's mystery, he proves to be trustworthy, helpful and decisive through out Pullman's novel. Criticisms of Frederick's character involve his poor organisation and planning. The following quotation shows us this: ‘†¦ Frederick Garland!†she stormed. â€Å"Those bills are have been waiting since Easter,†‘ Frederick's organisation has cost him plenty of money through out the novel; he should show slightly elevated interest on his personal gain. Frederick's poor planning skill also links in with his dreadful business abilities; these weaknesses have affected many situations within Pullman's novel. Frederick's character possesses lots of effective strengths in this novel. One of them is his braveness as shown by the quotation: ‘But he's brave though.' This quality has come to Frederick's rescue plenty of times as well as this his braveness has also offered sufficient help to other characters (particularly Sally, Jim and Adelaide). Due to these acts, Frederick is known as a trustworthy character. In an earlier chapter, Frederick provided help to Sally. This short passage notifies this: ‘ â€Å"In the tent,†he said' Throughout the Ruby in the Smoke, Frederick has been helpful and kind. This point also links in with his ability to think and to stay calm even when under pressure. However, his more brilliant qualities are shown towards the end of the novel when he is portrayed as a ‘life saver'. This is proved by this quotation showing Mr Berry's surprise at Frederick's determination: ‘ â€Å"How?†said Mr Berry. †¦. â€Å"I thought I sorted you out.†‘ During this chapter, Frederick showed his selfless abilities to save the lives of Jim and Adelaide. To conclude Frederick Garland is a helpful, brave, decisive and a trustworthy character. 3. Mrs Holland The villain of Pullman's novel is the mean and manipulative Mrs Holland. Her appearance is described by this quotation: ‘She was a wizened old woman with sunken cheeks, pinched lips, and glittering eyes.' It is obvious from the earlier chapter that Mrs Holland possesses villainous qualities. One of them is her cruel and cunning thinking: ‘So I think she'd better have an accident†¦ One look at the paper tomorrow and you'll do whatever I want.' This shows that Mrs Holland has no conscience to threaten and blackmail, she is only interested in her personal gain. However, Mrs Holland is dexterous at her trade, she proves that she is manipulative. We can also sense that Mrs Holland is disliked by others: ‘ â€Å"You spider. You calculating old bitch.†‘ Mrs Holland has earned herself plenty of enemies. In contrast to the selfless and caring heroes, she proves to be greedy and unkind to others throughout the novel. Heartless is an excellent description Mrs Holland's character, this is proved by the following quotation: ‘It's the girl †¦ I'll have her and I'll tear her open, I will †¦ and I'll have her life.' Mrs Holland is cold hearted, she wishes evil to others and she makes it clear that nothing will stop her from achieving her ambitions. Particularly towards the latter stages Mrs Holland overreacts: ‘She thrust Sally aside and scrambled up on to the parapet. She tottered wildly †¦' Mrs Holland is unable to remain calm. However, her knowledge of her surroundings was excellent: ‘She will find me and drag me out †¦ She knows everythink. Everythink and everyone.' ‘ â€Å"Sorry, ma'am,††¦ feeling ashamed of himself and not knowing why.' Mrs Holland shows her authority over others. She has the ability to frighten people and make them work for her in a high standard. In a nutshell, Mrs Holland is a mean, heartless, greedy villain with authority and planning abilities. 4. Jim Taylor Jim Taylor, the cheap office boy, emerges as one of the principal heroes to help take up Sally's quest. Jim's looks is visualised by this description: ‘†¦ His jacket was torn in three places, his collar had come adrift from the shirt, and his hair looked as if it had been used in an experiment with the powers of electricity.' Jim shows great affection towards Sally in this novel: ‘It was Jim †¦ he worships you.' Jim's like of Sally gets him into this quest and in deep trouble. However, he has showed determination and bravery in these situations. The following quotation shows this: ‘He nearly fainted †¦ and then he lowered his head and charged.' Jim's heroic acts in the latter chapters offered help to Frederick and Adelaide in difficult circumstances. He puts others first. Jim also stayed calm and thought freely under pressure. Like Frederick Garland, he shows no interest in personal gain, this links in to the previous points. All through the Ruby in the Smoke, Jim is inquisitive: ‘That's him †¦ that's the bloke what killed Selby.' Jim is a hard questioning thinker; he looks deep into happenings. Jim's resourcefulness is justified after he found the Ruby. After finding this expensive and enchanting object, Jim showed excellent self control and selflessness not to misuse the Ruby. However, in some parts of the Ruby in the Smoke, Jim is a rowdy: ‘Jim looked up and released a jet of language that might have blistered a battle ship.' Jim doesn't always posses ‘gentlemanly' qualities. Despite this, his heart is dedicated to the ‘good' and helpful. At the start of the climax to the Ruby in the Smoke, Jim is betrayed by Paddy. This quotation shows us this: ‘ â€Å"Why?††¦ â€Å"Money, mate,†was the reply. â€Å"Gotta live.†Despite his anger at Paddy, he kept his concentration and bravery, he somehow survived. In conclusion, Jim Taylor is a likeable, principal hero with bravery, determination and selflessness and at times a rowdy. 5. Trembler (Theophilus Molloy) Trembler, part of the workforce in the Garland's household, ends up to be one of the key characters in Sally's quest. His figure is described: ‘A little wizened man ran anxiously out †¦' Helpful is an excellent description of Trembler's character in the Ruby in the Smoke: ‘ â€Å"Could you light the match for me and hold it under the opium?†‘ ‘ â€Å"Righto.†Particularly to Sally, Trembler provided excellent help through out the novel (buying her a pistol, helping her re – remember with opium). Trembler (along with Frederick Garland) is a dreadful business man: ‘ â€Å"You must press to have your bills paid on time. There is fifty six pounds seven shillings owing to you.†‘ Before Sally arrived, the Garland household was unable to sort out their finances. This shows that Trembler, Frederick (and Rosa to an extent) are unorganised. Trembler is unpersuasive in the Ruby in the Smoke, this is proved by the ensuing quotation: ‘ â€Å"You tell him. I've tried but he won't listen to me.†‘ Particularly in the earlier stages, Trembler lacks qualities needed in a business field. However, his bravery and loyalty is second to none: ‘The big man knocked him down †¦ the big bloke took a swing at him and flattened him.' Trembler's hard work and bravery were a key part of his character. His liking and friendliness towards Adelaide was huge: ‘ â€Å"Here's my lady love,†‘ Trembler was an easy going character, he had an excellent knowledge of the surroundings. To consummate, Trembler was a helpful, faithful, unorganised and easy going character. 6. Adelaide Adelaide plays a key part towards the earlier and the latter stages of this novel. Her appearance is shown in the following quotation; ‘ †¦ a child whose only feature seemed to be, †¦, a pair of enormous dark eyes.' Adelaide is weak and uneducated. The following quotations help us visualise this idea: ‘Mr Berry was holding her around the neck with one hand †¦' ‘ †¦ and so should, by law, be in school.' Adelaide hasn't been a brave contributor to Sally's quest. However, she has been incredibly useful, in an earlier chapter she informed Jim (who in turn acquainted Sally) about Matthew Bedwell. This was of significant use. Adelaide's main characteristic is that she is scared of Mrs Holland. This quotation shows us this: ‘Only I mustn't tell Mrs Holland, else she will kill me.' Adelaide is troubled, she is being abused, bullied and frightened by Mrs Holland. Adelaide, unlike Frederick and Jim, lacks determination. This showed in a key part of the novel: ‘ â€Å"Get up here. We got to climb over the wall †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ‘ ‘ â€Å"I can't,††¦ ‘ This undermined characteristic often caused trouble to other characters. Despite this their like and affection towards her is unhurt: ‘ ††¦ there's a good girl.' Adelaide returns this affection with respect, this quotation shows this: ‘ â€Å"Morning miss,†‘ Adelaide is a kind and caring character, she is soft hearted. To recapitulate, Adelaide is weak, bullied and undetermined but however she proves to be courteous and resourceful.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Reading Comprehension When Applying for a Job
Reading Comprehension When Applying for a Job The perfectly composed resume will fail to impress an HR professional unless it underscores the skills and experience your prospective employer needs. To determine what the company is looking for, you must learn how to search for the clues in the job posting. Then, you can tailor your resume and cover letter. To test your job post comprehension read the following advertisements and answer the questions below: Needed: Full-time secretary position available. Applicants should have at least 2 years experience and be able to type 60 words a minute. No computer skills required. Apply in person at United Business Ltd., 17 Browning Street.Are you looking for a part-time job? We require 3 part time shop assistants to work during the evening. No experience required, applicants should between 18 and 26. Call 366 - 76564 for more information.Computer trained secretaries: Do you have experience working with computers? Would you like a full-time position working in an exciting new company? If your answer is yes, give us a call at 565-987-7832.Teacher Needed: Tommys Kindergarten needs 2 teacher/trainers to help with classes from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Applicants should have appropriate licenses. For more information visit Tommys Kindergarten in Leicester Square No. 56.Part Time work available: We are looking for retired adults who would like to work part-time at the weekend. Responsibilities include answerin g the telephone and giving customers information. For more information contact us by calling 897-980-7654. University positions open: The University of Cumberland is looking for 4 teaching assistants to help with homework correction. Applicants should have a degree in one of the following: Political Science, Religion, Economics or History. Please contact the University of Cumberland for more information. Comprehension Questions Which position is best for these people? Choose ONLY ONE position for each person. Jane Madison. Jane recently retired and is looking for a part-time position. She would like to work with people and enjoys public relation work. The best job for Jane is _____Jack Anderson. Jack graduated from the University of Trent with a degree in Economics two years ago. He would like an academic position. The best job for Jack is _____Margaret Lillian. Margaret is 21 years old and would like a part-time position to help her pay her university expenses. She can only work in the evenings. The best job for Margaret is _____Alice Fingelhamm. Alice was trained as a secretary and has six years of experience. She is an excellent typist but does not know how to use a computer. She is looking for a full-time position. The best job for Alice is _____Peter Florian. Peter went to business school and studied computer and secretarial skills. He is looking for his first job and would like a full-time position.​​ The best job for Peter is ____Vincent san George. Vincent loves work ing with children and has an education license from the city of Birmingham. He would like to work with young children. The best job for Vincent is _____ Once youve found the best job for each person, check your answers below. Answers Which position is best for these people? Jane Madison. Jane recently retired and is looking for a part-time position. She would like to work with people and enjoys public relation work. The best job for Jane is 5Jack Anderson. Jack graduated from the University of Trent with a degree in Economics two years ago. He would like an academic position. The best job for Jack is 6Margaret Lillian. Margaret is 21 years old and would like a part-time position to help her pay her university expenses. She can only work in the evenings. The best job for Margaret is 2Alice Fingelhamm. Alice was trained as a secretary and has six years of experience. She is an excellent typist but does not know how to use a computer. She is looking for a full-time position. The best job for Alice is 1Peter Florian. Peter went to business school and studied computer and secretarial skills. He is looking for his first job and would like a full-time position. The best job for Peter is 3Vincent san George. Vincent loves working w ith children and has an education license from the city of Birmingham. He would like to work with young children. The best job for Vincent is 4
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Unfortunate Dys
The Unfortunate Dys The Unfortunate Dys The Unfortunate Dys By Sharon The prefix dys- derives from the Greek and has a number of unfavourable meanings. In Greek, using this prefix denoted the opposite of anything that was easy, favourable or fortunate, according to the Oxford Dictionary of Etymology. Connotations include: impaired, defective, difficult, slow, wrong, ill, harsh, disordered and bad. There are a number of common words which use this prefix: dyscalculia: difficulty in solving mathematical problems dysentery: an intestinal disorder dysfunction: abnormal or impaired function; hence, dysfunctional dysgraphia: inability to write correctly because of impairment in brain function dyskinesia: impairment of the the ability to make voluntary movements dyslexia: difficulty with processing written language, resulting in reading and spelling difficulties A longer list is available on the WordQuests site. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Punctuating â€Å"So†at the Beginning of a SentenceBroadcast vs Broadcasted as Past Form10 Varieties of Syntax to Improve Your Writing
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Fukuyama's End of History and the Muslim World Research Paper
Fukuyama's End of History and the Muslim World - Research Paper Example The modern materialistic living style of the western world will influence the third world countries like a giant storm giving them no chance to think about an alternate, peaceful living style. Everybody will wear western clothing, eat their food and follow their lifestyle. Two decades after the book had been written we can now see most of his views have come true. There is a long queue covering three streets in China to buy the new iPhone which will be released in the US the day after. People in Korea alter their children’s tongue at a young age, so that they can speak better English and the most closed markets like India extend a red carpet welcome to Foreign Direct Investment, which comes from west, not from any developing country like Thailand or Indonesia. By far, the one and only people trying to resist these changes are the Islamists. They shoot the girl who wants to learn to read, write and barricade themselves from all scientific advantages in the name of religion. Who is right Fukuyama or the Islamists? In course of time, History will prove both wrong (Lal, 2006). Fukuyama’s theory states that capitalism which started to triumph at the death of communism, in the end of cold war will establish a ‘universal consumer culture’2 which will sweep down the ethical entities ingrained deeply in every individual. This is exactly what we see today. Education is no more a way to hone a skill. It is marks earned to secure a job with high earnings which in turn helps in buying ample things feeding the consumerism. So is it really the end of all indigenous ideologies which had been passed on from one generation to another. Not exactly because every ideology will keep evolving to some other form and liberal democracy is no exception (Marks, n.d.). Liberal democracy which simply evolved from communism based democracy eliminating its flaws and frays, will evolve into something better in the near future. Liberalism and Democracy themselves do n ot go hand in hand. There are several third world countries which struggle to use liberalism to their economic benefit. As Karl Marx stated, they will realize sooner or later, capitalism will lead to overproduction, low cost, scanty wages and unemployment doing more harm than good in the long run.3 They will start looking for alternate ideologies automatically leading to a better form of government and economic management. History proved aristocracy and communism cannot succeed. Likewise it will prove liberal democracy will also dwindle in some point of time in this 21st century (Marx & Engels, 1848). Do Islamists Have the Answer? Is Islamic idealism the core answer for an alternate ideology opposing liberal democracy? The answer is most certainly no because, evolution should lead to something which is better than the previous methods. But, Islamic ideologies force people to go back to the primitive living condition. Of course too much of sweet is bad for health. The available medic ine might have lots of side effects. But, a new alternate medicine or an ancient medicine which will cure the disease should be invented or revived, instead of banning the usage of sweets completely from life. Do the Islamists agree with it? Mainstream Islamic people do agree with it hundred percent. Karshidshak who worked in Iraq with the Muslim soldiers admits they are like any modern American youngsters longing for the latest model mobile and waiting to
Friday, November 1, 2019
Apple E-book Antitrust Lawsuit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Apple E-book Antitrust Lawsuit - Essay Example They forced the Amazon to increase the e-books prices on the rival kindle. The five publishers were HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, Penguin, Hachette, and Macmillan. HarperCollins, Hachette, and Simon & Schuster (owned by CBS) have cleared with the department of justice. Macmillan and Apple have declined to negotiate (Banks 127). They have said that they never colluded in the increase of the e-books prices. The publishers had already complained that the $9.99 price for e-books set by the Amazon was greatly discounted. This was before the introduction of the iPad and the iBookstore. After the iPads were unveiled into the market, Apple prices were set at $12.99 together with a Californian-based company (Cupertino).This allowed publishers to set the ‘agency model’, which was the individual prices for companies. Amazon took an immediate action to allow publishers to set their own prices too. This rose up the digital edition prices (Banks 129). The major allegations toward A pple Company are that it facilitated the collective efforts of the publishers to terminate retail price competition because it encouraged the agency model among the retailers. According to the CNN money report, the conspiracy was first alleged in a class action lawsuit in California District Court by kindle consumers during last summer. They argued that booksellers were terrified by the discounted price of the e-book structure launched by Amazon in 2007 (Ceruzzi 415). The department of justice could lose the e-book antitrust suit while targeting the Apple Company. The alleged suit stretches the antitrust law and could probably end in defeat. In 1982, embarrassed department of justice confessed its antitrust lawsuit against IBM.It abandoned the case because the case was â€Å"without merit†(Ceruzzi 437). In 2001, Microsoft Company had been divided into two different companies by a federal appeal court because of the department ambition to formulate the antitrust law. Accordin g to Geoffrey Manne, a lecturer at the Lewis and Clark School in Oregon, the case is harder against Apple than the publishers. As stated in the (justice department complaint 36), Apple was not present at the breakfast meeting at the London hotel and dinners at the Manhattan’s posh Picholine restaurant. He also said that it is not good for competing firms to meet without the presence of lawyers (Ellig 270). Other than Apple, the justice department has a better case against publishers. Dominick Armentamo; a professor in economics at Hartford University argued that the chief executive officers of the publisher who met at the hotel rooms to discuss the price changes can also settle the prices. According to Richard Epstein, a legal scholar and a law professor at the University of NewYork, there are difficulties in the department of justice case against the publishers because it will take time to hear the whole case. He says that the charge is a mistake. The attorney general (Eric Holder) accused the defendants to the case of creating a â€Å"conspiracy.†The version of events used by Holder did not blame the publishers on the agreement toward specified prices. If in any case they agreed on something, it was on the agency model. It meant that Apple’s iBookstore was better as compared to the wholesale model (Page and Lopata 340). Apple and other publishers had benefited from the serial precedents of the supreme court of the United States as from 1970s.This is the issue that the department of
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