Sunday, January 12, 2020
Lottery Addiction: Its Effects on the Respondents’ Economic Status in Nasugbu, Batangas
LOTTERY ADDICTION: ITS EFFECTS ON THE RESPONDENTS’ ECONOMIC STATUS IN NASUGBU, BATANGAS A Research Paper Presented to MR. JOSEPH B. EVANGELISTA Nasugbu Christian Faith Academy, Inc. In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements as Secondary Graduates by Sibelle Justine L. Gallivo Richard Jason R. Dastas Angelica B. Magpantay Ronnel Aries B. Ilao Mark Bryan A. Urena Regine N. Antazo Alfred C. Drio March 2010  ©2010 Sibelle Justine L. Gallivo Richard Jason R. Dastas Angelica B. Magpantay Ronnel Aries B. Ilao Mark Bryan A. Urena Regine N. Antazo Alfred C. DrioAll Rights Reserve ABSTRACT Title:Lottery Addiction: Its Effect on the Respondents’ Economic Status in Nasugbu, Batangas 2. Researchers :Sibelle Justine L. Gallivo Alfred C. Drio Angelica B. Magpantay Mark Bryan A. Urena Regine N. Antazo Richard Jason R. Dastas Ronnel Aries B. Ilao 3. Publication 3. 1Date: 3. 2Place: 3. 3Region: IV-A CALABARZON 4. Institution 4. 1Name: Nasugbu Christian Faith Academy, Inc. 4. 2School Y ear: 2009-2010 5. Statement of the Problem 1. Personal profile of the respondents in terms of: 1. 1 sex 1. 2 civil status 1. 3 salary range 2.What are the effects of lottery to the economic status of the respondents? 3. What is the relationship of the respondents; bet to their employment status? 4. Who usually give the biggest bet: employed or unemployed? 5. Who usually play lotto: employed or unemployed? 6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of playing lotto? 6. Summary of Findings Profile of Respondents With the total of fifteen (15) respondents, nine (9) or 60% were female while six (6) were males eleven (11) or 73. 3% were married while four (4) or 26. 7% were single by civil status; eight (8) or 53. % of the respondents falls on salary bracket of Php 1,500 t0 5,000, four (4) or 26. 7% with no salary , two (2) or 13. 3% range a salary from Php 10,000 to 20,000 while a salary range of Php. 30,000 and above has one (1) or 6. 7%. Effects of Lottery to the Respondent’s Economic Status Most of the enumerated effects listed by the respondents were affects the budget of the family resulting to the increase of allotted budget; affects the family relationship due to additional burden brought by playing lotto; intentional use of budget allotted to the children’s needs, and; highly emphasized fall of economic status.Relationship of Respondents bet to their Employment Status Employed versus unemployed status of the respondents established outstanding relationship with their bet. Eleven (11) or 73. 3% were employed thus give there usual or bigger bet compared to four (4) or 26. 6% unemployed. Usual Lotto players between employed and unemployed Employed respondents were the major lotto player since they have the means to gamble as compared to unemployed respondents. Advantages and Disadvantages Most of the respondents believed that playing lotto can only give hope of becoming rich through winning the jackpot prize.Most likely playing lotto was disad vantages: fall of their economic status; family budget/allocation suffered; unwise use of the money; becoming unproductive citizen; lead to addiction thus committing unacceptable actions due to gambling 7. Conclusions 1. Since majority of the respondents were married and female, they invest their future through playing lotto hoping to win the jackpot prize. 2. Since most of the respondents were employed, they have the high tendency of playing lotto because of their source of money as well as the tendency to put the biggest bet. . Since the respondents feels the negative effects of playing lotto in their economic status they would probably limit or refrained from playing lotto. 4. Since lotto playing was disadvantageous, the respondents surely realized its implication to their family as well as to the community. 8. Recommendations 1. Instead of investing family’s future through the chance of luck, find a real and long-term job that will secure your future, better to gain the v alue of worth rather than relying on your chance. 2.Lotto fanatics should not rely much on winning since it is computer operated this east to manipulate. 3. Employed lotto players should not give their biggest bet although they gave the means or source to gamble. 4. Male use/spend family’s budget wisely instead of gambling in lotto. 5. Local Authorities should impose law governing the age allowed to bet in lotto since it is a form of gambling. 6. Avoid becoming addicted in playing lotto since it is disadvantages in nature. 7. Further study about this interesting topic for future preference. APPROVAL SHEETThis research paper entitled, â€Å"LOTTERY ADDICTION: ITS EFFECTS ON THE RESPONDENTS’ ECONOMIC STATUS IN NASUGBU, BATANGAS†, prepared and submitted by Sibelle Justine L. Gallivo, Richard Jason R. Dastas, Angelica B. Magpantay, Ronnel Aries B. Ilao, Mark Bryan A. Urena, Regine N. Antazo, and Alfred C. Drio in partial fulfilment of the requirements as Secondary G raduating Students, has been examined and approved by our Research Teacher, MR. JOSEPH B. EVANGELISTA, with a grade of _____________. Accepted and approved, _____________________ Mr. Joseph B. Evangelista ACKNOWLEDGMENTThe researchers sincerely acknowledge their debt of gratitude to those in one way or another contributed and gave assistance to the preparation and completion of this study. Mr. Joseph B. Evangelista, for providing original ideas and opinions which made the completion of this study possible. Our Parents, who gave us financial aid and supported us morally that serves as our strength. The Borja Family, who helped us in distributing our questionnaires. Our Relatives and Friends, who shared their wisdom, time and effort as well as their suggestions valuable to our study.Our Alma Mater, Nasugbu Christian Faith Academy, Inc. , for the support, knowledge and for molding us to become productive and inytellectual students capable of competing in all aspect. To our Respondents, for their time, effort and invaluable assistance in answering the questionnaires that serves as our main source of informations. And above all, to Our Almighty Creator, for gracing us strength, wisdom and holy guidance as we accomplish all these things. A. B. M. A. C. D. M. A. U. R. N. A. R. R. D. R. B. I. S. L. G. DEDICATION To our beloved parents: Mr. and Mrs. Regino Antazo Mr. nd Mrs. Joseph Dastas Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Drio Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Gallivo Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Ilao Mr. and Mrs. Noeh Magpantay Mr. and Mrs. Lourdeliza Urena To our brothers and sisters: Angelo Magpantay Christopher Drio Jr. Jerome Dastas Rose Marie Eliza Raizza Mae Dastas Ray Anthony Ilao Reynaldo Antazo Resty Antazo Richel Antazo Rose Marie Eliza Antaso Ruby Antazo Ruel Antazo Ruiter Allan Ilao This piece of work is humbly dedicated. The Researchers TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Title pagei Copyright Pageii Abstractiii Approval Sheetvi Acknowledgementvii Dedicationviii Chapter I.THE PROBLEM AND ITS B ACKGROUND Introduction1 Statement of the Problem3 Statement of the Hypothesis3 Assumptions3 Significance of the Study4 Scope and Limitation of the Study4 Definition of Terms4 II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURES AND STUDIES Foreign Literature6 Local Literature6 Foreign Studies12 Local Studies15 III. METHODS OF RESEARCH AND PROCEDURE Design and Method of Research19 Sample and Sampling Techniques Used19 Statistical Treatment of Data21 IV. PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA Sub-problem 1. What is the profile the respondent’s terms of: 1. sex 2. civil status 3. alary range22 Sub-problem 2. What are the effects of lottery to the economic status of the respondents? 22 Sub-problem 3. What is the relationship of the respondents bet to their employment status? 22 Sub-problem 4. Who usually give the biggest bet: employed or unemployed? 23 Sub-problem 5. Who usually play lotto: employed or unemployed? 23 Sub-problem 6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of playing lot to? 23 V. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary 25 Findings25 Conclusions26 Recommandations27 BIBLIOGRAPHY28 APPENDICE A. Questionnaires CURRICULUM VITAE29
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